02_Salt pyramid

Sečovlje Salina Nature Park / 2020

            The concept is based on a characteristic element of the Salina landscape seen in an old photograph - a salt hummock in the shape of a triangle. It stood out against the general background of the local landscape consisting of sky, stripes of soil and grass, mountains and water. This repeating element told us about the uniqueness of the place and the occupation of its inhabitants.
            Therefore, as a new architectural object that draws attention to the ruin of the salt-pan house and helps to prevent its further destruction I decided to create a white pyramid raised above the ground, covering the ruin and remotely resembling one of the salt hummocks. The goal was to create a simple, neat and heartwarming object that refers to the history of the place.
            The pyramid is raised above the ground and rests on columns of CLT. The columns are placed at a small distance from the ruins, so as not to touch or lean on it. The roof itself consists of the structure made of CLT and white reclaimed agriculture mesh fabric. This allows to achieve the image of a white pyramid, while maintaining the transparency of the object and the normal circulation of air under it.